Friday, December 7, 2018

Tweet-fest musings.

The world we live in can be better understood if we view through a different lens once in a while. Want a new lens? Pick up a true story and read it. Ask others to tell you their story, and give them your undivided attention. Pause, reflect, and repeat. Listen until nothing surprises you, until you have no more judgments. Until you know that your story isn't all that horrible or amazing.

Then, when you know you're just as good as the next fellow, when you are able to measure yourself against a fair litmus, when the rose-colored glasses are no longer appealing, you've arrived. There's a lot of confidence to be found in honoring, and telling, your own true story. Remember, everyone has a story.

Ask yourself, what are my god-given talents? What are the skills I brought into this world during this life? Then, take those skills and use them creatively for service to others. This is about using yourself as a vessel for good in this world, with a focus on helping others. You will build onto your story. And you'll see that you're on much more equal footing than you thought you were.

If you are struggling, the very best way to heal yourself, to help yourself, to nurture the center of YOU, is to turn outward and do something amazing for someone else. It's not necessarily about spending money on them, but spending the currency of the soul: time, concern, love, empathy, and compassion. Everyone both needs and deserves these things.

Finally, remember that you are not better than anyone else. We all struggle. We all begin as a couple of cells trying to survive. We all have different lessons to learn while we are here. Just because you have a different set of circumstances doesn't make you better. Stay humble.

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