Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh how to lose the "baby" fat?

Before I had Sarah I was a relatively trim person and always had been. Now I wasn't a size zero and could never be, but I was an 8-10. I was 126 pounds when I married, but Grad school put on about 12 pounds and I'd gained 2 more by the time Sarah was born. I'm now 45 pounds heavier than that. I hate the weight but I'm not sure how to lose it. Exercise is difficult because I have this straight neck and constant pain in my upper shoulders and neck. But, I'm going to start walking - that's the least I can do. I like food but I'm already eating less. I need to work on my choices some. Most of all though, I think it was just the double whammy of having a child and turning 30 the very next day! By the time Sarah is 5 - this year on September 7th - exactly 3 months away - I'd like to have lost the weight. 45 pounds in three months? Let's see...


Melissa said...

I'm usually a strict "diet & exercise" pusher and rarely into programs or fads, but I will vouch for Weight Watchers. Their accountability is excellent when you go in for weekly weigh-ins and they really balance moderation & nutrition well. No pressure, I'm just sayin'....

Rohini said...

Good luck!! Even I'm hopelessly trying to lose weight despite the fact that my eating is out of pure gluttony!! Exercising helps a lot!